Monday, September 04, 2006

okay. it has been raining endlessly for the past few hours. great. i hope the rain dont die away so soon.

i stood by the window, looking as the rain pelted down. i was immersed in my thinking. hundreds of memories came into my mind. i feel like creating a prose or whatever in regards to rain. i havent had any inspiration. but here goes. just a few lines though.

Gazing across the Streets
Rain sluiced down the glass panels
The floods of emotions
Poured down profusely

i really cant think of anything more to continue. i have been sitting down for 5 minutes but nothing came. maybe i'll continue with it when i have the "feel" again.

my sis intends to take me out shopping at The Heeren tomorrow. what i'm looking forward to most is visiting the New Urban store. yeaps.

i went for a swim today with sis, again. after that we went to satisfy our stomachs. and hey i learnt something new today that i would like to share with you guys.

have you all ever wondered whats the BIG difference between Fats and Calories?

heres a brief description of the two.
Calories : are "fats" accumulated just recently and can be burnt off by taking a slow jog.

Fats : Found in most junk food and is stored in your body over time when you do not work out and burn it off.

so on our way home we were supposed go down the underground MRT station or whatever you call it. i told my sis," hey lets go down by the stairs"

she was a bit reluctant to do so but still she relented and accompanied me down the stairs.

when we were going out of the underground, you are needed to go up. so this time round, again, i told sis to climb up the flight of stairs with me. she wasnt giving in to me. so she took the escalator. lol. of course i took the stairs. she was laughing at me for choosing the stairs instead of the fast, convenient and efficient escalator. lol.

we walked home. lol.

she still has to walk. so what not do so in the first place? conserve energy? energy cant be lost anyway.

lets get chilling.


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