Moments of Glory!
8 August 2008! The school fest was a blast. Not including having to man the stalls and preparing the stuff of course. I had to recruit the help of TWO CCAs! Firstly, I need water to dilute the glass jelly. It was a chore to fill up the big pail of water directly from the water cooler. Nor would it be a good idea to divert water supply from tap using a hose because I fear I would hear outbreaks of stomach upset. So I went to get the key for RedCross room simply to grab as many 1.5 litres bottles as possible for refilling. Next, I didn't carry a knife for cutting the grass jelly and only had the ladle with me, so netball people came to my aid. THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO ASSISTED.
Wanted to ask around and see who wanted to go group studying today, after I reached home. But then again, I was feeling too haggard to want to leave my house. Alex and Angsiang messaged to ask if I was interested to have a studying session today. But unfortunately, I was always sleeping soundly in my bed when the messages came. Next I wouldn't want to go because I am just too enervated for anything. See, my energy level has dipped to rock bottom and going out would only make me feel like a zombie walking on the streets.
The second piece of good news (which gives you more reasons to revel in the festivities today) is that today is the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics 2008! Ok, I know that isn't really any fantastic news because it doesn't really involve us but, it's still a great news and the ceremony's taking place at 8.08pm tonight! As far as I know, our timezone is the same as in Beijing. I think so, you can check it out if you want. So you can tune in to the TV for the telecast of the event.
Labels: Temptation is Man's worst enemy
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