Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Pursuit Of HappYness

I think Mum's right. The ultimate question is,"Am I happy?"

Sometimes I get so caught up with things that I lose track of myself, life and everything around me. As a matter of fact, I am someone who don't like to do anything at all. I love sitting around, looking at the motion of my surroundings, observing the very very beautiful things in the world. If I could spend my whole lifetime doing that, I would. Maybe things don't turn out rosy all the time. Maybe I'm too lousy. Or, maybe I should just get over it. Get over my sheer stupidity.

And also because I don't have the time to rebuke all the wrongful accusations you have thrown at me.

If only things were that easy.

"Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. You want something, go get it, period."

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Pulse rate: 132/min

Today was lunch cum dinner (or lunner I shall call it) with friends again. Haven't gone out for meals with people like WeiXin, Angsiang, Alex, Marven, Igen and the sec 3s for a long time to come. Anyway, Alex and I got tricked by Weixin and Marven into the exothermic reaction between ketchup and chilli sauce. Goddamn. Not a nice experience! Kinda fun actually. It feels like a century since I have been fooled in such an "interesting" way! HAHAHAHA. To Weixin and Marven, next time, watch out. ^^
