Saturday, December 15, 2012

周杰伦 - 《明明就》

New song from Mr.Jay. His new album is due for release on 28 November 2012. He has made an early release for 2 songs on the album as of now.

I have lost touch with Jay's songs over the years. But this particular piece has a familiarity that reminds us of the old Jay.

糖果罐裡好多顏色 微笑卻不甜了
你的某些快樂 在沒有我的時刻
從故事集的城市裡 我想就走到這
海鷗不再眷戀大海 可以飛更遠

遠方傳來風笛 我卻在意有你的消息
深怕為愛守著秘密 而我為你守著回憶

明明就不喜歡牽手 為何學主動把手勾
你的心事太多 我不會錯過
明明就他比較溫柔 也許他能給你更多
不用抉擇 我會自動變朋友

糖果罐裡好多顏色 微笑卻不甜了
你的某些快樂 在沒有我的時刻
從故事集的城市裡 我想就走到這
海鷗不再眷戀大海 可以飛更遠

遠方傳來風笛 我卻在意有你的消息
深怕為愛守著秘密 而我為你守著回憶

明明就不喜歡牽手 為何學主動把手勾
你的心事太多 我不會錯過
明明就他比較溫柔 也許他能給你更多
不用抉擇 我會自動變朋友

明明就 明明就 明明就
他比較溫柔 也許他能給你更多
不用抉擇 我會自動變朋友

Friday, December 14, 2012

五月天-知足 Contentment

This was and is one of my favourite songs of all time. It still feels good listening to it after all these years.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life of Pi, The Movie

As of today, there are still 20 more days to go before the operation. Thus far, I have been trying to optimise my days, which usually start out with my morning jog and weight-lighting OR swimming.

Yesterday, I did my jog in the morning and quite a bit of weight-lifting (before the run). 45 minutes of weight-lifting enervated me to exhaustion. After which, I did the run, which I struggled with a little since I was already all tired out by the heavy lifting.

Went to Plaza Singapura with Annie in the evening to catch Life of Pi. I didn't like the show too much, the plot was a tad too boring for me. Guess it's a film for the unadventurous. We then walked around the mall before heading home, since the stores were already pulling down the shutters at 10 p.m.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Worst Day of My Life

Yesterday I received the worst news ever in my life thus far.

After doing an ultrasound, I was found to have a Dermoid Cyst. It's a type of tumour. Will be undergoing surgery in a bid to remove it. Dermoid Cyst containsn teeth and hair. In complex cases, they contain eyes, bone, etc.

Doesn't the thought of it disgust you? Well, probably not. A lot of time, we tend to say comforting words to people who are going through difficult phases in life. The thing is, whenever you say such comforting words, do you REALLY feel, understand and empathise with the person you are saying this to? Touch your heart, ask yourself again. This episode has been so tough for me. But it made me think. Did I use to understand the suffering of those who were really ill in the past? No, I didn't.

You never understand the agony unless you have gone through all this yourself. This is an indisputable fact.

Sure, this whole thing creeps me out. I try my best to live my life fully, to trash away thoughts of this weird, ugly looking, monstrous tumour living in me. It's so difficult. Then again, what's the point of telling people around me that? They wouldn't understand, well, as if they would, right?

Sometimes I look back at my life and think. I honestly think my life is a DRAMA. Everything that happens is so dramatic, so unpredictable. Going through this at such a young age, I guess, is just another opportunity for me to cope with things in life better. I know deep down that I have grown so much more mature than most people. I do know that.

If I can tide over this phase successfully, I really wonder, what will bring me down in life? I have been through hell, man. Have you?

Friday, December 07, 2012

The Big Workout!

'A' level was officially over just past a week and a half ago. You probably be wondering what I am up to, huh? Well to keep this simple...

Immediately after the big exam ended, I filed in application forms, job resumes to all the interested parties and I immediately got a reply from a few the next day. Decided to work for Singapore Polytechnic's admin. I am starting work next Jan. That's right, in 2013.

With that in mind, that will also mean I have about a month to do whatever I want to. I hate having no goals. So I set myself the following daily goals:

1 Run 2.4 km everyday
2 Do a few sets of squats
3 Do a few sets of incline pull-ups
4 Swim 30 laps everyday

That's right. You didn't see wrongly. My day starts at 7 a.m everyday and by 8 a.m, I will be jogging already. by 9 a.m, I'd probably have completed items 1-3. Afterwards, I'd go catch up on the day's news. I like reading news. It makes me feel smart. I read practically ALL the news in the papers when I have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. After reading the news, I head over to Anchorvale Swimming Complex and swim till my arms, body and legs ache... which is 30 laps. I want to get myself toned. I want to have a FIT body. Not merely a slim body. I prefer FITNESS over slimness, so to speak.

And for the first time in my life, I have no intention of getting tanned when I hit the pool. Seriously, is that me in the past? Nope, not at all. I really just want to look toned and fit. It makes me happy. Haha. Well, I feel accomplished everyday when I have done all the above activities. These are short-term goals that give me a sense of fulfillment. What's your goal in life? Reach out for it NOW.