Thursday, July 25, 2013

Life & Health

Just a quick update.

Next few weeks' gonna be packed with camps/workshops/school matters. Hope things go smoothly.

Anyway, just few weeks ago, I went for my med appointment and I was asked to go for another ultrasound scan to make sure everything's fine before the doc gives me the all-clear and discharges me. The thought of doing another ultrasound scares me, seriously. Actually, doing the scan is not scary. Waiting for the result is. I just hope I am healthy and hopefully nothing goes wrong.

The last time I did an ultrasound was 10 dec 2012. My next ultrasound is 10 dec 2013. It's gonna be alright but I hate that it's kind of like deja vu.

Please don't let me relive that experience again. Once is enough.

I should toss away these random fucked up thoughts. They make my stomach go clammy.

Monday, July 15, 2013


July came so early. Half the year passed. I don't want school to start.

I haven't had Monday blues for the past 7 months, after all. Not sure how I can cope with it. Today's Monday, by the way.

Gonna watch Pacific Rim later at 7. Meeting more friends on Thursday before going to camp from Friday through Sunday.

I like camps but I don't really like camps. Doesn't make sense, right? It's troublesome, hate to pack, hate to be disrupted while sleeping, hate to shower only at an allocated time. It's not that bad yet it's still bad. What can I say.